What Happens When Married Women Crush on Other People ?
Molly Frances Molly Frances

What Happens When Married Women Crush on Other People ?

Here’s the thing. Robert has a crush on me; I have a crush on him. We both know it. Neither of us will act on it because we are both grown-ass people with conviction. Even though Hubby and I aren’t monogamous, I’m not an idiot, and I believe in Karma. I don’t sleep with people in monogamous relationships (anymore… I did once), and he doesn’t want to ruin his marriage.

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Meeting Ade
Molly Frances Molly Frances

Meeting Ade

“I love the way you talk about your work. Powerful women are so sexy,” His love of strong women was just another way Ade surprised me. Despite his youth, he was not intimidated or put off by my being a powerful, professional person. There are plenty of men my age and older who can’t handle a strong woman, so perhaps it has little to do with age.

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