When Chronic Pain Interferes With Your Sex Life
Men: How to Differentiate Yourself When Using a Dating App
Our Night at a BDSM Club
The stool angle meant that my bare ass was facing the club's observation area, and I was aware of several people who turned to watch as we got started. Hubby and I reviewed our safe words (yellow means to slow down a bit, red is stop).
The First Time I Slept With My Girlfriend, I Cried
Meeting Ade
“I love the way you talk about your work. Powerful women are so sexy,” His love of strong women was just another way Ade surprised me. Despite his youth, he was not intimidated or put off by my being a powerful, professional person. There are plenty of men my age and older who can’t handle a strong woman, so perhaps it has little to do with age.
There Should Be More High-fiving During Sex
If you’re getting a high-five after providing pleasure, you’ll know that your partner appreciated your methods and would like more of it the next time opportunity presents itself.